It looked wicked but all we got here were a few sprinkles.
Great skies though.
(Sorry for the power lines and poles.)
It looked wicked but all we got here were a few sprinkles.
Great skies though.
(Sorry for the power lines and poles.)
Well, here it is again - Friday FunDay.
I don't know how your week has gone but at least it's gone.
So let's get onto the humor that you all come here for and that you all love each and every week, the humor that your collaborator collects from comedy characters here, there and yon; the humor that brightens a gray and dreary day and perhaps even a dark night, the humor that . . . (oh shut up, Catalyst).
I was reliving an experience by email with Phil, a friend of mine, this morning.
The event came nearly 39 years ago, in April of 1985.
Judy and I fulfilled a dream of spending a month traveling around Europe.
Le grand tour.
Now we are lovers of escargot, snails in a garlic butter sauce.
Yes, I know.
Today is Ash Wednesday.
And Valentine's Day.
And Basant Pachami.
Bet you didn't know about that one!
Don't feel bad, neither did I.
It's a Hindu festival to herald the Spring.
And if you have doubts about that, let me tell you that it is 62 degrees Fahrenheit in my part of Arizona right now.
Judy said with the sun shining on our patio it's probably 70 out there.
And she just came back inside with some fresh chives that have sprouted from a potful that looked dead up until today.
But I digress.
All of those special days aside, today is an even more important day here in Arizona.
Because . . .
That's right.
It's the State of Arizona's 112th birthday today.
It officially became the 48th state in the U.S. of A. on February 14th, 1912.
So raise a glass to this (fairly) new kid today.
If you've got room after all that chocolate.
And don't forget the King Cake!
Of course if you take a dim view of all this indulgence and call the day Shrove Tuesday, right after confessing your sins and begging for absolution, you'll have to settle for pancakes.
Being "cat people", we and daughter Gayle both have had for many years Cat-a-Day Calendars.
But today's chosen kitty was a shocker.
And there's only one calendar page for the entire weekend, both Saturday and Sunday.
So here's what greeted me when I changed the calendar this morning.
Aaaahhhhh, Gentle Readers, it's the Big Weekend.
Especially in Las Vegas.
For Sunday a bunch of highly remunerated professional football players will meet there in the 58th Super Bowl.
Or as my wife and many, many, many wives across the planet call it The Stupor Bowl.
Since I cut the cord on my cable subscription I will not be watching it.
But to all of you fans (see "fanatics") I say enjoy yourselves and good luck.
Especially to the gamblers among you.
Now to get down to the business of the day.
Oho! Riker finally got even!
Maybe the Star Trek crew has landed on Rikers Island.
Okay, just ignore that one.
Now whether or not you watch the Celebration of High-Paid Violence on Sunday or not, I hope you ALL will have a great weekend.
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
(. . . oh, I know how you feel . . . )
Another day, another snowfest.
After a rainy day yesterday, courtesy of the winter storms that have been hammering Southern California, Jack Frost paid a visit to us here in ARIZONA overnight.
This is what started our day today.
I spotted this on Facebook today and thought I'd pass it along here in the interest of helping this fellow out.
It's at St. Michaels Church, at 3pm. The bride's name is Geri, she's 5'5", about 115 lbs, good cook too. She'll be the one in the white dress.
I have a very good friend that I have known since I was born, since he is exactly seven months older than me.
We grew up in the same town in the Frozen Northland that is more formally called North Dakota.
Now he lives near the water in Washington state and I live in the heated state of Arizona.
We've only seen each other a few times over the years but we remain the closest of friends.
I call him Jolly Jim because of his contributions to the Humor Bank here at Oddball Observations.
He sent me a fresh batch today and commented "You might find something usable here."
Did I ever.
I added a grand total of 19 new memes I hadn't seen before and which you'll be seeing as part of Friday Funnies for weeks and weeks ahead.
But one of them made me laugh so much I decided I had to show it to you today.
And it will explain the title of this post.