Thursday, December 17, 2020


 Day three of my personal tick-tock to Christmas finds problems in the reindeers' locker room.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 Day Two of my Cartoon Comedy Countdown to Christmas.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 Since there are only about 10 days left until The Big Day, I think I'll start the holidays Cartoon Countdown.


Oh and feel free to keep sending them.

I can always use them.

Monday, December 14, 2020


 TIME Magazine chose Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as it's People of the Year.

I saw one comment that said the honor should have gone to health care workers.

To remedy that miscarriage of justice, here is just one of them, my nephew Tim who, along with his wife, is a nurse in Washington State.

And, also in the spirit of the season, here is a short video of something I'm sure Tim would never do.


Sunday, December 13, 2020


 Now here's one that will drive you crazy.

Beau Jack sent it along with a bunch of other funnies and both I and SWMBO tried it and had the same result.

Give it a shot and see what YOUR brain does to you.

Saturday, December 12, 2020


 My part of Arizona has had some odd weather this week.

This morning it's overcast once again but without the fog which shrouded us earlier.

For example this view of Glassford Hill, our iconic and extinct (hopefully) volcano.

Trust me, it's there, hidden by that low-hanging cloud.

Then a day later, I believe, these were the (non)-views in my neighborhood.

Kind of makes me want to re-write the lyrics to that old song, "San Francisco, open your golden gates, send all that fog right down to me."

Well, I love fog so it was okay with me.

I read a lot of Sherlock Holmes stories when I was a kid and it brings back (fictional) memories of dark doings afoot on the moors.

Those clouds do have a bright side though.

They make beautiful sunsets.

Now just to leave you with a chuckle, take a look at this meme the BRD sent me this morning.

Friday, December 11, 2020


 Here it is!

The day you've all been waiting for!


Oh, and by the way, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas Shopping Season.

Now then, on to the business of the day.

Humor, humour, levity, titillation, joy, reckless abandon, the Friday Fun House emanations.

I can hear you, saying (yelling) "Oh for cryin' out loud, will you just get started!"

Indeed I can, and I shall, right now.

All right, fellow jokesters, that's it for this week.

I hope you'll all endeavor to enjoy an exciting end of the week and I will trust you to not get enervated.

Oh, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, you big show-off)

Thursday, December 10, 2020


 How about that?

When I went out early this morning to take the garbage dumpster to the street, I saw dark skies and a few raindrops on my driveway.

A bit later, as I sat by the window next to my computer, I saw a slightly more intense rain falling for a couple of hours.

Here's the proof.

SWMBO says when a puddle forms in our back yard that means we've had some mentionable rain.

You may note that I mention the rain nearly every time we get more than a few drops.

We live in Arizona!

Rain is rare here.

We only get a few inches of it in an average year.

So humor me.

It's a rainy day.

I said it and I'm stickin' with it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Judy (aka SWMBO) and I don't really celebrate holidays any more.

We're OLD!

And it's only the two of us.

After laboring in the kitchen for two days for about a 15 minute dining experience on Thanksgiving this year, she said "That's it! Never again."

Although I have been making my appearance at the kitchen stove more lately, I couldn't help but agree.

And Christmas has only been something to get out of the way as quickly and easily as possible for years now.

So I was a tad surprised when she decided to do her holiday decorating last night.

Granted, it's not much.

But it's us.

It's how book people decorate.

I mean what's more Christmassy than plastic crystal strings hung over the bookcases, right?

Okay, okay, that's not all.

I mean we do have a tree, after all.

Several of them in fact.

And Santas and toys and snow.

So you celebrate Christmas your way and we'll celebrate it ours.

Now where's that bowl of wassail anyway?

Merry Christmas to all and . . well, you know the rest.



"You wanna fight?!!!"

Monday, December 7, 2020



79 years ago - December 7th, 1941 - Japanese airplanes bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

The sneak attack prompted the United States of America to declare its entry into World War Two.

For all the lives lost on that long distant day flags are flying at half staff today.

Saturday, December 5, 2020



(thanks to Ribald Roger for this and hundreds more)

Friday, December 4, 2020


 My, my, my, it's December already.

SWMBO said the other evening that she couldn't believe it's already December.

Some of us are thankful it IS December already.

But also thankfully, it is FRIDAY and I have some humor (humour, Brits) for you so let's get at it, shall we.

I bet you thought you'd seen all the puns today, didn't you?

Not so, frowny-faces, I saved the best (and the newest - thanks, Wacky Wally) for the last.

Brace yourselves.


(Feel free to join in.)

Wacky Wally doesn't waffle, he's a wicked, wileful worker as he wanders willfully in the woody wonderland of wordsmithery, wending his way to the worst of the World Wide Web.

And for that, I thank him!

Now, let's all have a sensational weekend.

Work on your Christmas greetings, STAY AT HOME, wear your masks and be safe.

There's a new year a-comin'.

Oh, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 Sometimes you just have to get out.

SWMBO and I have been pretty much cooped up in our little duplex apartment since last February.

We've taken a few little drives in those many long months but probably too few even for us, who have been trying to obey the rules designed to keep us alive.

But then there's the problem of cabin fever.

As I said, sometimes you just have to get out.

So we (with Judy at the wheel) took a longer drive today.

I asked here where she wanted to go and she said "I'm thinkin' the Cave Creek area."

Now Cave Creek is (or was) a tiny community north of Phoenix.

JUST north of Phoenix.

About 80 miles from home.

I was a little taken aback but true to my stoic Norwegian-English heritage I didn't betray a bit of it.

I merely said "You feel like doin' some drivin'?"

She said "sure" and agreed to drive down if I'd drive back.

So, about an hour and a half later we found ourselves here.

Cave Creek, I remind you, was a "tiny" community.

Back when we first discovered it almost 50 years ago!

Now, it's just a very expensive part of Greater Phoenix.

But what the hey!

We were only visiting, right?

We found ourselves here . .

 . . for a pleasant outdoor lunch.

May I just say the Prickly Pear Margaritas took the dust off that long drive just right.

And the food was good . . perhaps because it was restaurant food, served to us, not cooked by us, too expensive but delightful.

Speaking of cactus, here's what it looks like in the wild.

And there was the stately Saguaro.

Back home this evening and a couple of episodes of Downton Abbey on the television - all in all, a damned nice day.