Friday, May 11, 2018


If it's already Saturday where you live, I'm sorry, okay?

I know I'm late but I've been busy.

There's a huge brush fire quite near to me (burning away from me, thankfully) and I've been keeping track of it.

At any rate, it's bearing down on the weekend and you know what that means.

Well, yes, there is that, of course.

But today (or yesterday, maybe, where you live.  Sheesh!) it's time for The Friday Funnies.

And to get them started, I offer a bowl of soup . . .

 . . . and salad!

Are you sensing a theme here?

All right, just to change the focus a bit.

Just a wee bit.

And in case you really didn't get the message . . .

Okay, with that final (heh-heh) happy thought let me wish you a phantastic, phabulous weekend full of words that begin with p but you'd never know it.

Like "pneumonia".

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .



  1. I love the warning signs, but I'm pretty sure there are people who would read them and STILL not be deterred.

  2. I've taken a couple of days off, and have been convinced it's been Saturday since Wednesday.

    It's not Saturday yet? Oh. Well, that's alright because I'm lost too.

  3. Love the wring signs! I hope the fires keep moving away from you! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. That first one is my life-long dream...

  5. Wow. Spot on all of them. Made my Friday. Viewpoint was evacuated, can you believe it? An early beginning to the fire season.

  6. Love that exhibit #1 sign.
    Cheers to you.
    Great to think this time next week we should be with you and SWMBO. We'll do our best to keep you away from Danger!
