Winter doesn't officially begin for 5 more days but the frigid weather has already descended on us.
Now I know that a low temperature overnight in the 20's (Fahrenheit) may not seem "cold" to many of you in other parts of the world.
But here in Arizona I can feel it in my bones.
Those chunks of ice the cat is surrounded by came out of the birdbath yesterday morning.
And as I gaze out the window this morning, 24 hours later, they're still lying there, unmelted.
The metal container I put on the ground with water for visiting cats (and skunks and whatever else stops by in the dark of night) suffered the same fate.
The mercury will be steadily rising throughout the week to reach a high of near 60 by the weekend but then comes another slide into the icy depths.
The furnace ran several times during the night, according to SWMBO, and that or some other irritant kept me awake most of the darkness hours.
Like Ebenezer Scrooge I say, "Bah! Humbug!"