As I have noted, spring is here. That always brings joy to my heart.Except when I realize what that means.Yes, it means warmer temperatures and beautiful blue sky days.But . . . it also means . . . . . . . yardwork!Now, normally, I shuffle most of this off onto SWMBO and the BRD. But the BRD has been busy and SWMBO has been having a problem with a wrist she broke many years ago so . . .That leaves me.First job, doing some pruning on our mimosa tree.
Now, I must admit that SWMBO did the original cuts but then called on me to get some of the higher branches.Incidentally, that tree behind the mimosa is a Globe Willow.
It always buds up and greens out about a month before the mimosa, which has caused me to refer every year to the latter as "The Dead Stick." I threaten every year to just cut it down because it is obviously dead and a blight on my landscape. I bet if Meggie's GOM was here we could get the job done before the girls would notice.
But, to continue, next on my item of hacking and slashing was what SWMBO calls the Fountain Grass. I should have photographed it before I starting cutting because I thought it looked quite nice, tawny in the sun with curling fronds. But SWMBO said fresh green growth was starting to show so it needed a haircut. Here's what's left (poor thing.)
SWMBO thinks this should be shorter so I guess I'll be back out there.
BTW, while out laboring in the balmy sun today, I noticed the mailman coming.
Remember when mail jeeps were red, white and blue? Well, take a look at this one:
The driver says the color change is because the Postal Department doesn't own the jeeps now. He's a contract worker and says when he bought the jeep he wanted something that would stand out. As I told him, I don't think there's much danger of anyone hitting him by accident.