Friday, February 22, 2019


It is still snowing here this morning.

Just outside my window is SWMBO's famous Fence Mural, now draped with snow.

To the left, the birdbath and La Monja are covered in the white stuff.

Take a look in front of our home.

The tall tree in front of our neighbor's house across the street.

And the view toward Glassford Hill, invisible in the mist.

I just measured the snow depth at 14 inches in our driveway.

This is no joke, Gentle Readers!

But the BRD still had her sense of humor yesterday at her home in Prescott a few miles away.

She sent Miss Piggy out to shovel!

Which brings me to the real business of the day - the Friday Funnies!

Yeah, I can hear the groans from here.

As the snow continues (it's just very light now and is supposed to be done by late this morning) I will bid you a fond adieu and wish you all a great weekend.

Snow-free, if you have to go out.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .
