We don't travel much these days but the BRD does.
She has just returned from a week-long visit to . . .
It was her first visit to the Eternal City and she emailed that she was having a difficult time wrapping her head around all of the history on display.
From the Pope's balcony at the Vatican . . .
to the Coliseum . . .
And many other sites around the city and in Pompei.
There was a meal at the legendary Harry's American Bar & Restaurant.
And a memorable meal at another restaurant where no English was spoken.
The BRD said ordering involved a lot of pointing but it had a fine result.
An order of lobster and pasta so large that she split it with her dining partner.
She said the city was full of tourists. Imagine that.
She said it was a once-in-a-lifetime tour but it will hold a lifetime of memories.
Especially of all that walking and those poor tired feet!