Saturday, July 29, 2017


Aside from the MSM (Main Stream Media) railing on about President Donald Trump's "West Wing in Chaos", the Prez has another perhaps hidden danger lurking in his administration.

I could say lurking in his ego but that wouldn't be kind.

What I am talking about is the imminent threat of a secret group (perhaps) plotting a takeover of the fedrul guvmint (previously known as the federal government.)

What I am talking about is a military coup.

We have heard about it for years, decades even.

The military branch finally has had enough of incompetence at the executive level and takes control to "make things right."

("Right" is not meant here as a perjorative term.)

For decades, we have read, thought about and generally scoffed at that possibility.

But could it be nearer than we think?

The President has just appointed retired Marine General John Kelly as his new Chief of Staff, the office closest to the president, at least in the past.

His National Security Advisor is Army General H.R. McMaster, who is NOT retired from the military.

His Secretary of Defense is retired Marine Corps General James Mattis.

And way down the line but we're just conjecturing here anyway is his Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, a 20 year veteran of the Navy Seals.

Now let me be the first to say it: that's a lot of military heft in the Trump hierarchy.

Granted, it is known that Trump gets an erection from has a fond sense of military leaders, especially considering he never served in the military himself, due to claimed bone spurs in his feet or some such silly excuse.

But I wonder if he's ever read Seven Days in May or seen or understood Dr. Strangelove.

Maybe, like Reince Priebus, I'm just a paranoid schizophrenic but there could be some things to think about there.

The generals are gathering.

Friday, July 28, 2017


Yup, it's the end of another week.


It's time for the Friday Funnies.

So without further ado, let's look at some pie charts.



Warning!  The next one is not P.C.

All right, already, that's enough bliss for this week, right?

Now listen, Gentle Readers, I want you all to have an extraordinarily spectacular weekend, replete with all the pie and cake joy that you can stand.

And never forget to keep on laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, July 27, 2017


It's been quite awhile since I've posted a Throwback Thursday missive but this week I was thrust back, back, back to my early days in broadcasting.

You may (or may not) notice a blog link I've posted called "Minot Memories" over on the right side of Oddball under "Others' Observations".

It's a blog about old-time memories of Minot, North Dakota, written by a fellow who happens to be an announcer and a salesman at KCJB Radio in that town.

The other day he had a post that included a list of the top songs from 1974: the top 9 plus 10.

That was a sly reference to the station's frequency, which was 910 on the AM dial.

Well it took me back about 12 years to 1962, when I was the night disc jockey at that station.

I actually got my first experience in commercial radio at KEYJ in Jamestown, while I was going to college.

But my time at KCJB was based on rock and roll radio, or Top 40, as it was known in those days.

These four young men kept the records spinning from sign-on until sign-off.

Yes, the radio stations in those days went off the air at midnight and came on again at 5 or 6 in the morning.

As you can see, I was identified as Bruce Taylor on this Top 40 sheet but I was famous (or as famous as one can be at a small radio station in a small market) as Bruce On The Loose!

There are still people around who remember me with that monicker.

I've lost track of the other three guys, don't even know if they're still gracing the earth but I still remember some of our crazy antics from those early days in radio.

By the way, for music fans, here's the other side of that yellow sheet from above, showing that Ray Charles was topping Elvis Presley . . at least for that week.

Along with record sales and record hops you old timers may spot something else that's no longer around: a Transistor, or transistor radio, about the size of a smart phone today.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


The BRD sent some photos of blooming cactus on her patio the other day.

I love the color!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


SWMBO and I were surprised (again) by a delivery of a live plant the other day.

It appeared to be just some green stems of some kind of flower but the directions that came with it told us to put in them in the accompanying vase with some water and some of the plant food that came with them.

Only a few days later, this is what we had.

I have since read up on gladiolus plants and can swear to the claim that they make wonderful cut flowers as well as ground plants.

They're a wonderful splash of color in the house.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Friday, July 21, 2017


Ah, here it is again.


It's my favorite day of the week because I get to tickle your funnybones, Gentle Readers.

It's my particular moment of joy.

Well, not me, exactly.

But wothehell, let's get on with it.

Drink up, my friends.

So while you're all groaning let me take this opportunity to wish you an amazingly bodacious weekend, filled with everything you want it to be.

And always, Gentle Readers, always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .