The temperature has risen since the weekend and will soar into the 50's today.
With the rising temperatures an emergence has occurred.
With a little help from me, our grumpy looking rock turtle is out, seemingly not amused by being buried for half a week in snow.
Across the yard you can see where I tromped through the drifts the other day to brush off the birdbath, only to find it still frozen.
And today it looks as if the Blue Cat will finally come out of her hibernation.
The other day I had decided to clear a narrow path down the front driveway to where the dumpster was stuck waiting for a driver who finally arrived yesterday.
My cross-the-street neighbor saw me and insisted on sending her teenage daughter over with their snow shovel to clear the driveway.
Thank you, Caitlin. Or Kaitlin. Or Katelyn.
Whichever it is I am eternally in your debt.
Even with the warmer weather it is still a Winter Wonderland here.