Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Muggles is our last cat.

The BRD will argue with that but SWMBO states it firmly and you know how she is.

But we're old now and Muggles is growing old, too, as she's nearing 16 years of age.

When Blackwell was still with us, Muggles developed a habit of staying close to Judy and, though she has opened up more since she's become the only cat in the house, that habit generally has stayed with her.

She spends most of the time on the bed.

(The All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Great Google says cats sleep 12 to 16 hours out of every 24.)

Recently Judy found a small pillow and tossed it on the bed.

Muggles found it and has claimed it for her own.

She seems to find it comforting, like that other princess trying to escape the discomfort of sleeping on a pea.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Saturday, March 2, 2019


These are some of the famous painted critters which you can see all around Sedona.

They were created some years ago as an answer to Chicago's Cows on Parade.

They are Arizona's famous wild javelinas which, in spite of the resemblance, are not pigs.

They're part of a family of hoofed animals that originated in South America.

Their Spanish name comes from their tusks, which resemble javelins.

They are smelly, hairy and short-tempered beasts that will attack dogs if they're being harassed and sometimes humans.

Two Sedona residents who had been feeding javelinas were treated last year after they were bitten, apparently when the food didn't come fast enough.

So if you see some of the real thing, keep yourselves and your dogs well away.

Better just to enjoy the whimsically painted sculptures in Sedona.

Friday, March 1, 2019


Well, it's been quite a week and what better way to end it than to get some smiles.

As your leader and Goof-In-Chief, I hereby present this week's edition of fun, chuckles and chortles.

And that, Gentle Readers, is as far as we're going to travel this Friday.

Now harken to my heartfelt, non-horrific, huzzahing here, it is my hope that you avoid being henpecked this weekend, not finding hidden hogbacks as you make your hejira, no hiccups, no hoaxing . . . 

Oh, you know, have a great weekend!

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, meow)

(By the way, I've been meaning to thank you all for your contributions, and especially Wally and Ron, who have supplied lots of laughs recently, not all of which are publishable here.)

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


It is just past 11:30 in the morning here at Storm Central and the sun is shining and the temperature is 56 degrees.

If I were a wee tad younger I might try this.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


For those of you concerned about the humongous snowfall that we Arizonans suffered through last week, let me give you an update from Storm Central: i.e. my backyard.

The temperature has risen since the weekend and will soar into the 50's today.

With the rising temperatures an emergence has occurred.

With a little help from me, our grumpy looking rock turtle is out, seemingly not amused by being buried for half a week in snow.

Across the yard you can see where I tromped through the drifts the other day to brush off the birdbath, only to find it still frozen.

And today it looks as if the Blue Cat will finally come out of her hibernation.

The other day I had decided to clear a narrow path down the front driveway to where the dumpster was stuck waiting for a driver who finally arrived yesterday.

My cross-the-street neighbor saw me and insisted on sending her teenage daughter over with their snow shovel to clear the driveway.

Thank you, Caitlin.  Or Kaitlin.  Or Katelyn.

Whichever it is I am eternally in your debt.

Even with the warmer weather it is still a Winter Wonderland here.

Sunday, February 24, 2019