Friday, March 29, 2019


I don't know about you but my Fridays seem to roll around faster and faster these days.

As a prelude, I have to tell you that a group of eight oldsters from years of work at Channel 12 in Phoenix had another gathering at the Rock Springs Cafe yesterday.

It was crowded, we didn't get seated for a very long time and our lunches took even longer but there was plenty of good conversation, laughs and a little sadness as we remembered our colleagues who had passed.

But with that out of the way, let's get on to the business of the day.

Let's be bold, Gentle Readers, get out there and enjoy yourselves and please do have a fantastic weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, March 28, 2019


I called Tom and Lana the other night to ask how far they were from the Pacific and Lana said she couldn't hold the phone because she had pear juice on her hands.

She said, "Those pictures you post of all those delicious looking desserts and I give Tom a pear!"

So I thought I'd show her (and all of you) that we do occasionally eat healthy.

Like last night.

Avocado, cucumber, tomato and onion salad.

And bean soup.

Once again . . .

Salad . . .

. . . and soup.

Oh, and corn muffins.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Our backyard totem and its shadow.

As the sun moves around through the day the shadow becomes sharper.

And I'm out in the yard with my camera, singing "Me and My Shadow".


You don't want to hear it.

By the way, if you want to see a beautiful yard, take a look at what Tom's wife, Lana, has created on the Central California coast.

The garden follows Tom's political chatter in his post.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Robin Red Breast - watching for Spring

Monday, March 25, 2019


If you're expecting a picture of Lynda Carter, you're in the wrong place.

This is my Wonder Woman.

That is the Beautiful Rich Daughter.

In the top photo she's finishing a DC Wonder Woman 5-K run in Tempe, Arizona yesterday morning.

You see her time in the bottom photo.

And later it shows that in her first race ever, she finished 24th in her age category.

I won't tell you her age but suffice it to say that she has a mile marker birthday very near.

It should also go to say that in spite of health problems with a foot and with her vision over the past year or two she was still smiling when this adventure was over.

And that hunk of a medal hanging around her neck?

She said it weighed about a pound.

You might be able to tell, her mother and I are quite proud of her.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mr. Ferlinghetti

Back in the Dark Ages, which is what I call the 1950's, I spent a couple of years fruitlessly at a college in North Dakota.

It was the era of the Beats and I picked up a thin book of poetry by Lawrence Ferlinghetti one day and became hooked.

I don't have my original copy but I picked up another one a few years ago.

This book of whimsy and the novel "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac became my bibles in those few years.

Incidentally, Ferlinghetti once said "Don't call me a Beat poet.  I was never a Beat poet."

The poet had moved to San Francisco in 1950 and opened City Lights Bookstore, which is still a mecca in the city.

He published "Howl", a poem by Allen Ginsberg that led to him being arrested on obscenity laws, which led to a lengthy trial and his eventual acquittal.

Today is his 100th birthday and I read that he is largely blind. 

But the mayor has proclaimed it "Lawrence Ferlinghetti Day" in San Francisco.

I was just leafing through my book of his poetry and came across one that begins with "The world is a beautiful place to be born into . . ." and concludes with ". . . but then right in the middle of it comes the smiling mortician."

Have a great day, Birthday Boy.

Saturday, March 23, 2019


That title to this post is what Judy (SWMBO) called the story of her project today in an email to a friend.

We had somehow accumulated way too much bread in our small home so she decided to use some of it up by making bread pudding.

So she cubed up a whole bunch of bread and put it into a low oven to dry out.

Then she marinated some dry cherries in warm brandy and some diced apricots in Triple Sec for about 30 minutes.

Then she got out the half and half, the milk, the eggs, the vanilla, the butter, the nutmeg, the cinnamon and the salt.

She beat the eggs with the half and half and milk and the spices and then combined them with the apricots and the cherries.

Then she buttered a large dish and spread half of the bread in the bottom of it, poured the pudding mixture over it and topped it with the other half of the bread.

Then she sat staring at it as it soaked up the liquid.

And remembered the sugar she had forgotten to add to the pudding mixture!

She knew she couldn't separate the bread layers.

She reasoned she couldn't pry them carefully apart to get the sugar in.

So finally she got out another egg, some more milk and the sugar and beat them into submission, then poured it over the top and, using a sponging technique and sheer, brute strength got it combined as well she could.

And baked it for an hour or more.

We each had a ration for our lunch.

Let me tell you, friends, it tastes as good as it looks.

That's how someone who's been in the kitchen for over 60 years handles errors.

If it had been me, I would still be whimpering, whining and wailing.