Friday, April 26, 2019


Ah, Gentle (and sometimes Secret) Readers in a week that saw me begin my 80th(!) perambulation around Old Sol, I can't think of a better time to get our minds off of that subject and onto some lighter fare.

Hence, The Friday Funnies.

Well, if the goal was to get my mind off my age that was certainly a failure.

Maybe one more try.

Okay.  I'll quit.

Just take this reminder for the remainder of the week, avoid being razzed, rattled or rebuked; shun all reversals; be careful with romance, on the alert for roues; respect your revolutionary impulses; and have a great weekend!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(I'll bet I know which one it will be.)

Thursday, April 25, 2019


My thanks go out to all of my family, friends, acquaintances, strangers and lurkers who took a moment to wish me a happy birthday yesterday.

It's nice for this old geezer to be recognized.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


I had another birthday today.

How long will this go on ? ? ? ?

But seriously, the BRD took Judy and I (and her Beau Jack) to lunch and we had a great time.

Let's do this again next year.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


I've never been to New Orleans but the BRD has many times and shared some of her photos.

For instance a meeting between the Navy and some bikers in the French Quarter.

And, always of interest to me, the dining.

Monday, April 22, 2019


Can it be saved?

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Saturday, April 20, 2019