You can look that word up in the dictionary.
There will be a picture of Arizona.
But sometimes, here in the Central Highlands, the weather takes a turn to the nasty side.
Such was today and especially right now at 7:21 in the evening.
(That's Mountain STANDARD Time. None of that Daylight "Saving" Time for us!)
The temperature dropped some 20 degrees from yesterday's very pleasant 80 to the low 60's much of today and raindrops spat in our faces much of the day.
It didn't really rain.
It just kinda spattered.
But this evening's wind and spattering rain is highly unpleasant to we lovers or spring warmth.
So we cower in our toasty homes and wait for the dragon to stop teasing and testing us with his frosty breath.
It will begin warming again tomorrow as this unwelcome visitor exits to New Mexico.
(They deserve it for calling themselves The Land of Enchantment.)
Once again by the weekend we shall be at the proper 80 degree setting for this time of year.
Meanwhile I can hear my friend Mike up in Montana sniggering.
So I sent him this cartoon today.
And, my friends, that's the way it is . . . Monday, April 29th, 2019.