Wednesday, May 15, 2019


The Mighty Muralist, aka SWMBO, aka Judy, had her paints out again the other day.

It seems the Rock Turtle needed a touching up.

Last night she put a silicon treatment on the rocks on his back to bring back the shiny tone he had when we first acquired him.

But what struck me  . . . and may cause nightmares . . . were the tiny details she added to brighten his eyes.

What do you think?

There's a certain evil intent showing in that eye, I think.

Enough to put trembling in a grown man.

'Course, she could have really greened him up and made him appear even more vile and dangerous.

(Last picture photo-edited by Catalyst)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Monday, May 13, 2019

Sunday, May 12, 2019


. . . and don't forget to wash behind your ears!

Saturday, May 11, 2019


There's a sky full of beautiful clouds in my part of the world today.

Whichever way you look there's a changing panorama.

Sometimes people see images in the sky.

Me?  I just see clouds.

Meantime, a dove in the dead tree next door watches me, wondering "why is that strange human creature pointing his camera up at the sky?"

Just another day in retirement, birdie.

Friday, May 10, 2019


Here I am again . . the late Catalyst.

I seem to be having a slight difficulty in remembering when it's Friday and duty calls.

Perhaps it's about time to end these end of the week comedy jousts.

After all, I am 79 now and what's funny about that?

But never mind.

Let us proceed.

All right, that ought to be enough to get you gleefully through a wicked weekend.

Or not.  

As the case may be.

Just remember this one important thing: always keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Portrait of a Woman and her Cat