Friday, May 17, 2019


To all of you who have encouraged the continuation of these weekly attempts to foist some humor into a dark world I offer my humble thank you.

So lessee, where do we begin?

Lemmee put on my specs and inspect the inventory.

And with that, I shall make my departure.

Dang it all, you, dames, damozels and dudes . . . don't be dejected, dazed or dizzy.  I shall return in just days to differentiate from your dissatisfaction and dolor.

In the meantime, have a delicious weekend and always remember: Keep Laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, May 16, 2019


SWMBO spotted something on our back yard wall last night.

So before venturing into the unknown, I took a photo.

Then I crept, with the talent of a jungle cat that I possess, a bit closer.

The object did not move but it appeared to be a living creature.

This reptilian denizen had great patience but so, mighty explorer that I am, did I.

Hard to identify but it may be a rather large gecko.

As I turned slightly for a better view, this dinosaur from eons in the past gave me a glare.

Faced with possible potential annihilation, I beat a hasty retreat and left him to his wont.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


The Mighty Muralist, aka SWMBO, aka Judy, had her paints out again the other day.

It seems the Rock Turtle needed a touching up.

Last night she put a silicon treatment on the rocks on his back to bring back the shiny tone he had when we first acquired him.

But what struck me  . . . and may cause nightmares . . . were the tiny details she added to brighten his eyes.

What do you think?

There's a certain evil intent showing in that eye, I think.

Enough to put trembling in a grown man.

'Course, she could have really greened him up and made him appear even more vile and dangerous.

(Last picture photo-edited by Catalyst)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Monday, May 13, 2019

Sunday, May 12, 2019


. . . and don't forget to wash behind your ears!

Saturday, May 11, 2019


There's a sky full of beautiful clouds in my part of the world today.

Whichever way you look there's a changing panorama.

Sometimes people see images in the sky.

Me?  I just see clouds.

Meantime, a dove in the dead tree next door watches me, wondering "why is that strange human creature pointing his camera up at the sky?"

Just another day in retirement, birdie.