Before I got into commercial radio and television for a career I was a ham radio operator.
I got my first license with the call sign KØCND when I was 15 in North Dakota and held it for about 15 years before life events caused me to let it expire.
Then years later I took the test and got another license with a different call sign.
I held that license for about another 15 years, making contact with other hams in over 100 countries around the world.
I operated with a provisional license and a call sign of XE1HFB when we lived in Mexico.
(I used phonetics of Half Full Bottle with that call sign.)
Back in Arizona again, I went with a local ham to the national convention of the American Radio Relay League in San Diego.
And then Judy and I opened our bookstore ten years later and before I knew it that license had expired.
I've never gotten back into the hobby as the Internet has taken over my life.
But you know me . . I've still got the badges!