I didn't post anything yesterday about Earth Day.
And it was its 50th Anniversary!
As Jimmy Fallon said last night: "You can tell
Earth Day turned 50 because earlier today, Earth
changed its hairstyle and bought a Corvette."
So I suppose I could blame my ignoring the day yesterday on a mid-life crisis but if that's the case I'm going to set a real record for longevity!
Actually I did take a couple of nature shots yesterday so here's my tribute to Earth Day.
A picture of a dead dandelion isn't a satisfactory tribute?
Well, then, how about this.
I was chatting with my neighbor, Captain Doug, awhile back and noted the pretty flower at the edge of his property.
He said it was a weed and he was going to have to dig it and its brothers up pretty soon.
By the way, my first attempt at photographing the pretty flower/weed lacked something and I suppose my longtime friend and renowned wildlife photographer Carol could have explained it to me.
The lesson would have been basically this: if you're trying to photograph a blossom on the ground on a sunny day try not to stand between your object and the sun!
I brought up Carol's name because just yesterday she provided an entry for my Humor Bank, earning her the title "Carol the Comic".
Here it is.
That truly captures the spirit of this pandemic.
As does the final thought of the day, which I swiped from the BRD.
Stay well, everyone.