Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Sedona, Arizona, is a tourist mecca in the heart of Red Rocks Country.

When we first discovered it in the early 1970's it was a sleepy little burg with an Old West vibe.

Since then it has grown exponentially with constant construction of mansion homes everywhere, expensive restaurants, New Age crystal emporiums, pricey art galleries and traffic, traffic, traffic.

However, during the slowing down because of the Covid-19 pandemic, with most businesses being closed, we had heard that Sedona had become a ghost town.

On our recent visit we found many dozens of cars parked alongside the two-lane highway in the picturesque Oak Creek Canyon just outside town as hikers filled the area.

Construction crews working on Midgley Bridge had traffic down to one-lane and were letting lines of vehicles pass alternately.

In town it seemed construction was going on everywhere as the city used the slight lull to improve the infrastructure.

A decorative fence was being put in place through the middle of the street in the Old Town section in an apparent attempt to prevent jaywalkers from blocking, or being run over by, the usually constant string of cars in both directions.

To sum up, the Old West village become jam-packed modern town become ghost town is busy once again.

Not as busy as before the virus caused the state's governor to issue a stay home order but still a bit of a pain to visit.

We were glad to leave it all behind and head for home.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


A short day-trip.

To Sedona.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Saturday, April 25, 2020


My 80th birthday yesterday was, as I told my hard-working wife last night, one of my best ever.

The BRD came over for a wine therapy session in the early afternoon.

We met in our garage and sat at a respectful distance from each other and chatted for about 2 hours.

Then a period of rest, followed by our first "cocktails on the patio" for this summer.

But by early evening the shade was on the patio and the breeze was a bit brisk and cooling so we came in fairly soon.

Then to the kitchen and My Master Chef (Judy) took over, assisted by her Sous Chef (me) in preparing the meal of the day.

She's finishing up her Shrimp Scampi, the shellfish bathed in a sauce of butter, garlic and onions.

She accompanied it with Fettucini Alfredo and a nice salad.

And then the pièce de résistance - a Carrot Bundt Cake with frosting and SPRINKLES!

I guess, even at 80, some guys never grow up!

I was beautifully treated on my special day and I was heartily gratified.

(It's hard to show one's joy and gratitude when one has to take one's own selfie.)

Friday, April 24, 2020


Okay, let's just get over it.

It's my birthday.

When people say "Happy Birthday" . . . I think . . . they're thinkin' of someone way younger than me.

But, wothehell, let's get on with it.

Okay, let's get to the crux of it.

When people ask me how the (....) old are you, anyway, Old Taylor, . . I go into the Pirate Mode.

And there it is.

Another turning point.

From now on you can refer to me as an octogenarian and I won't even ask you to spell it.

And since it's Friday, allow me to wish you a quiet, peaceful, gentle weekend.

But what else could you have if you're, like me, in quarantine!

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Yup, I know.

I didn't post anything yesterday about Earth Day.

And it was its 50th Anniversary!

As Jimmy Fallon said last night: "You can tell 
Earth Day turned 50 because earlier today, Earth 
changed its hairstyle and bought a Corvette."

So I suppose I could blame my ignoring the day yesterday on a mid-life crisis but if that's the case I'm going to set a real record for longevity!

Actually I did take a couple of nature shots yesterday so here's my tribute to Earth Day.


A picture of a dead dandelion isn't a satisfactory tribute?

Well, then, how about this.

I was chatting with my neighbor, Captain Doug, awhile back and noted the pretty flower at the edge of his property.

He said it was a weed and he was going to have to dig it and its brothers up pretty soon.

By the way, my first attempt at photographing the pretty flower/weed lacked something and I suppose my longtime friend and renowned wildlife photographer Carol could have explained it to me.

The lesson would have been basically this: if you're trying to photograph a blossom on the ground on a sunny day try not to stand between your object and the sun!

I brought up Carol's name because just yesterday she provided an entry for my Humor Bank, earning her the title "Carol the Comic".

Here it is.

That truly captures the spirit of this pandemic.

As does the final thought of the day, which I swiped from the BRD.

Stay well, everyone.