Not always.
Yesterday the sky was down to the ground, or so it seemed.
The nearby park is known as Mountain Valley Park and a school that abuts it is known as Mountain View Elementary.
But the mountains were not visible yesterday.
Not always.
Yesterday the sky was down to the ground, or so it seemed.
The nearby park is known as Mountain Valley Park and a school that abuts it is known as Mountain View Elementary.
But the mountains were not visible yesterday.
Yes, it's a gray, rainy day here in the Central Highlands/Mountain Foothills of Arizona as the first of three consecutive winter storms blows in.
Up at Flagstaff, 80 miles to the north and a couple of thousand feet higher in altitude, it's a winter wonderland as snow fell throughout the night.
We're expecting maybe a dusting from one or more of the future storms but as for today, it's just a drizzling rain.
I was scanning through some of my fellow bloggers' posts today and saw this one from RedPat up in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, being surprised about the absence of ducks in a favorite spot.
Quite by coincidence, Judy and I happened upon this scene at one of our local lakes.
I know what you're thinking.
"Sheesh. How much longer can he keep this up?"
But it's not me.
Or anyway it's not only me.
You see, as I have explained before, I am only the curator.
My "staff" supply all or most of the humor on this blog.
I just present it.
So probably for the last time this year here are a few more Christmas presents.
'Tis Christmas Eve.
If you haven't shopped for gifts and stocked the larder by now, you really may be on Santa's "Bad" list.
So, last chance, get after it.
Or . . .
Oh, joy to the world, it's a special edition of The Friday Funnies, just because it's (nearly) Christmas.
That time of year when the consumption of alcoholic drinks soars, that time of year when Uncle Ned and Dad nearly come to blows over the groaning table, that time of year when a lot of mothers and wives deem divorce not to be such a bad idea.
Oh you know I'm kidding.
A little bit.
But let's take a look at what my co-conspirators have come up with for this special Friday.