I strolled out to the mailbox yesterday to see what folderol our postman had brought.
As I was scanning through the Christmas specials like $10,000 OFF the marvelous snap-on dental implants . . . (makes you wonder what the full price is) . . . and approaching the front door, I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of a BIG flat box leaning against the wall.
As usual, the agents who delivered it . . whether USPS, UPS, Fed-Ex, DHL or whoever . . . had not bothered to ring the bell to alert us to its arrival.
Who knows, it may have been there for days as I don't usually enter or exit the house that way.
On the other hand my neighbor, who lives in the other side of our duplex, usually sees such deliveries before we do and rings or knocks to let us know of whatever has come if it has been there for most of a day.
Well, we suspected this was a Christmas gift from SWMBO's only son as he is wont to send us a package of pre-packaged food for the holidays.
I struggled to open the box and finally accomplished that task and "what to my wondering eyes did appear" but this wonderland of goodies!
If you click on the picture it becomes even bigger and will allow you to read the labels.
As the tag on the package said, there may be enough here to last until Valentine's Day!
Apparently he knows that the way to a man's (or woman's) heart is through his or her stomach.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good feast!