Monday, April 14, 2014


Regular readers of this blog are familiar with my BFF, Blackwell, who came to us as a scarred up little stray that I named Blackie Detroit.

But after a trip to the vet and some healing and the relaxation of being an "inside cat", he began to grow.  And grow.  And grow.  He needed a different name and, thus, became Blackwell.

He still has that cat-urge to go outside again, though.

He loves to sit on the ledge at a window and stare, morosely, at me when I'm outside and he isn't.

He's really enjoying the warmer weather and the open but screened windows.  And the other day he spotted an interloper just off our front patio.  He twitched and talked, bringing the attention of SWMBO and I. Here's what he saw.

That's a tiny wild bunny which we've seen around the neighborhood a couple of times.  He sat, still as a rock though he could tell he was being watched by that large black cat inside the house.  But he didn't seem at all nervous.  After awhile he engaged in some head scratching.

And then he was gone.

Blackwell, meanwhile, has found another viewing sight to look down on us as we are working in the kitchen.

How he gets to that level is nearly beyond our knowing as we have not seen him go up there.  But he seems to enjoy the spot, keeping a colorful wooden macaw company.

Until we spot him and order him down to his own level.  

Ah, the adventures of a cat.  Even an inside cat.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Yesterday was the BRD's birthday.  In the morning, she jumped out of an airplane.  No, really!  She went sky-diving for the first time in her life and had a ball.

Last night there was a small (but noisy) gathering at a local restaurant.  Here are the two girls - mother (SWMBO) and daughter.

The BRD's Beau Jack hosted the party and surprised his lady with a beautiful Squash Blossom necklace.

Lucky girl.  Lucky guy.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Oh, look, ma.  It's that crazy Catalyst out to amuse us again.

Those two are from my bookselling days.

This one is dedicated to a grand celebration - the BRD's birthday today.  I'm not allowed to say which one.

Or maybe it's this one.

A lesson for the spelling challenged from "awayback" . . .

Just checking the Early Bird Specials . . .

And some pigeons are even more daring . . .

And finally, of course, the kitties.

This final one can only be captioned "Huh?"

Have a great weekend, folks, and keep on chortling!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


College days, late 1950's, pretending to be a journalist

Backstage at a concert by the Dave Brubeck Quartet

(Left to right)  Paul Desmond, Dave Brubeck, my college pal Phil Perry, and me.

Dig those skinny neckties!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


As we were headed home from our road trip, we pulled into the tiny burg of Skull Valley.

What we saw at the now-closed fuel station was a blast from the past.

Now THOSE are some classic cars.

Monday, April 7, 2014


On our visit to Wickenburg, we encountered this old train engine and caboose near the railroad tracks.  No longer in service except for museum-type encounters, I'd imagine.

Did you pick up the railroad?  Here's a broad hint.

Next on our road trip - a surprise encounter in Skull Valley.  Stay tuned.