Oddball Observations
Friday, March 7, 2025
Just to show you that it's not always sunny and hot in Arizona, let me show you what it's like in my little corner of the world today.
Just when you thought you'd never laugh again, here comes The Pre-Weekend Peregrination through the Humor Archives with your genial host, Bruce on the Loose. (aka Catalyst)
So either stand on your heads or find some other way to turn those frowns into smiles and take a break from your cares and worries to spend a moment or two laughing at this silliness.
I guarantee you'll feel better.
You're laughing!
You're laughing!
Didn't I tell you you'd feel better?
Now get out in the sunshine this weekend, breathe in that fresh Spring air and . . . oh, you say it's snowing where you live?
Well then get out there and throw a few snowballs or build a snowman.
Wherever you live and whatever the weather, try to have a wonderful weekend.
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
In response to my post of yesterday and all of the comments . . . I am well!
I am alive!
I am not depressed!
Just to prove it to you, I made a loaf of bread (well, the bread machine did it) this morning to please my darlin'.
Whole wheat studded with dried cranberries.
Her fave
And, let's see, I washed some dishes and I took a shower and shaved with my last blade.
And tossed on some Bay Rum aftershave.
And later I tried a new "recipe" and made my darlin' a New York Egg Cream.
Which, as some of you may know, doesn't contain either egg or cream.
She liked it.
And so did I.
We're about to dine on Brie cheese, tuna salad, mango salad, the bread I baked this morning, and who knows what else.
Life is good!
In spite of Washington.
Keep the faith, my friends, and remember to always keep laughing!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
This mini-post is just to let you know I'm still alive and well.
Just lazy and inspiration-less.
But don't worry.
I have a couple of baking projects I'm tossing around and I'll have to bore you with photos of the results.
That is, if I ever get off my . . . butt.
I did do some vacuuming today.
But most of the rest of the time I'm just doing enough to keep from turning into an amoebic blob.
According to the Almighty Google, that's another term for a slime mold.
I need a nap.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Now that we've all conquered that Pepperoni Pizza Bake from earlier in the week we can get down to things more serious.
Maybe I should say we can seriously get down to things more humorous.
Of course by the end of this post some of you may by in high dudgeon.
Let's see, shall we?
Or . . .
I think SWMBO wrote that one!
But I know how to get her back, said the Merry Punner!
So, fellow pun-lovers and pun-haters, that is the sum total of my humorous outlay for this week.
Now save up a couple of those for your weekend dinner party and see if the groans and sneers don't make your day.
At any rate, have a grate one . . oops, of course I meant a great one!
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
( . . . ah, I'll bet you know which one is mine, don't you . . . )
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
After a couple of cancellations from both sides, the BAD finally made it over for a visit with her mother and me today.
And a recipe for which I had all the ingredients ready last Friday finally emerged.
It's from Aaron Hutcherson at the Washington Post and it's called Pepperoni Pasta Bake.
It combines tomatoes and sauce and spices and pasta and a lot of diced pepperoni.
After that has baked, it's topped with a copious quantities of mozzarella cheese and broiled for a few minutes.
Here's what came out of my oven when it was done.