Friday, January 1, 2010

It's a new year!

2010 dawned with a bright, hopeful, sunny day here in Arizona. With it came a new idea for landscape beautification. The city has just re-paved a road across town but January 1st is no time to be growing grass alongside it. So . . . solution? Paint the dirt! Presto! A green border!


  1. Great idea as long as you don't have to mow it.

  2. But I thought you liked to mow, Mike!

  3. Love it. I should do that to my back yard! Save a lot of time and money :)

    Hallo by the way! Just gatecrashed from a link off Kitty's blog!

    Happy 2010!

  4. Reminds me of things they used to do on Army Bases.

  5. Rosie - They do a lot of that sort of thing down around Phoenix. Sometimes it works - sometimes it's just gaudy.

    Glad you stopped by. You're welcome anytime.

    Steve - Yes, I think I've seen that around bases, too.

  6. Did they get leftovers from the Lowe's folks?

  7. Nice to see your sense of humor survived New Year's Eve, GJ. :-}

  8. I'm really late with this comment, I think what's in the picture is pre-emergent. You see it all over in the Valley, sometimes it's green, sometimes it's orange. The pre-emergent they spray in our yard is yellow. I think the highway department is just trying to get a jump on the weeds that are sure to sprout in newly disturbed soil.

  9. AZ - I think you're absolutely correct. SWMBO told me that soon after reading my posting.
