Friday, April 8, 2011

Wooly worm weather predictions

Yesterday, I saw a wooly worm hurrying across my yard.

Well, now, I thought, that's unusual.

Wooly worms are supposed to show up in the fall, aren't they?  To predict winter?

By the way, that picture above is just to show you the relative size of the wooly worm.

Turns out the wooly worm was right.  A winter storm is blowing into the state as I write, bringing more snow.  We may not get much here but the weather wizards are predicting up to 10 or more inches up around Flagstaff.  That's 80 miles away and about 2,000 feet higher than here.

Oh and one more thing.  That "wooly worm" is actually a caterpillar.  But I like to call them wooly worms.


  1. "Wooly worm" must be a universal term. Sounds like a word invented by a mother, or a first grade teacher doesn't it?

    Get ready for a little more winter. We had snow on the range out our front window--2,200 feet and up. The higher, the greater the amount, but it was sunny over here. Looked like a congress of dark clouds moving your way.

  2. We have some similar looking creatures here, but the can inflict a nasty allergic reaction, upon contact, so I would not be touchng one!! Not sure of their 'Season'.

  3. I'm sure we have a type or types of wolly worms in Germany, but for the life of me, I can't recall seeing one.

    As for the weather. I have put the salt and shovels in the shed. That's how confident I am about not getting any more snow.
