Saturday, August 11, 2012



  1. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. But it might as well have been Ryan Seacrest!

  2. Leave it to Romney to pick someone as boring as himself.

  3. All this will do is turn those ultra-conservatives that were mildly supportive of Romney into wildly supportative of Romney. But what about all those in the middle, the ones who are ABSOLUTELY necessary to either candidate in order to get elected? Remember, many are middle/older voters, and I would think Ryan scares the bejeebers out of them. I think this selection might backfire on Romney. You think he's already conceeding Florida, among others formerly on the fence?


  4. Love the picture - and I'll be interested to see what this choice does. As you know, I'm gonna hope it just helps Obama :)

  5. Ryan's budget plan and his avowed determination to "change" Medicare should sink the Romney campaign. Democrats (like me) are thrilled with the choice.

  6. Why would he choose a fanatical right wing extremist? I think his people and "himself" realized that his campaign was under water, his trip overseas a disaster and his income tax forms refusal was more than even their money could handle, ta da here comes Ryan. I don't understand either why he had his VP pick show him years of Income Tax Returns yet he will only show the American 2 of his own (by the way so far he has only released one) They said God and culture were responsible for the people not government, I am sure the black people were glad for the government and the civil rights law, or what about the woman's right to vote, God or culture? Oh I shouldn't of gotten started, sorry for venting on your page.
