Sunday, September 30, 2012


That's twelve hundred!  That's how many posts I've made to this blog, including this one.  Hard to believe.

And time marches on.  One could call this "What a difference a day makes."

Actually the two pictures were taken about 3 weeks apart but they show the contrariness of my mind.  SWMBO says she can't understand it.  I started growing the full beard at the height of the summer heat.  Then when the weather cooled off I shaved most of it off back to the goatee. 

The weather did not influence my decisions.  I don't know what did, really.  Curiousity, more than anything.  I wanted to see if I looked like Hemingway yet.  But, no, not white enough yet and since I'm now 72 it probably never will get that white.  So it goes.