Sunday, July 14, 2013


SWMBO and I were sitting in the living room watching television when we heard a sharp report.  We both looked toward the front door and I said "that sounded like a gunshot outside."

But as I got up and went to look out I remembered that I had left the door to my den open.  I glanced in and here's what I saw.

That's an old piece of furniture I use in which to store magazines and other overflow stuff.  But if you look upper left in the photo you'll see the face of Blackwell, the mysterious and inky boy cat that lives with us peering guiltily out.  Down on the floor below him is a magazine that he dislodged when he jumped into this strange perch.  It made a sharp "whap" sound as it hit the floor.

Kind of like a gunshot outside.


  1. Blackwell is one guilty looking kitty! But I bet you forgive him easily.

  2. Blackwell is of a rare breed. I have never had a cat, and I've had a few, that ever looked guilty about anything. Even Ginger who removed a beef steak from my neighbour's kitchen, leaving via the open bathroom window, ever looked guilty. And he was a sensitive soul forsooth.

    1. Ginger may have been a sensitive soul of tooth!

  3. I simply wonder which kind of TV programme you were watching... :-)

    1. I think it was the news. Probably something about the Zimmerman case!

  4. I once had a most mischievous cat. That cat was fond of doing things to get my attention. One day I was sitting in my living room reading and I started to hear a bang, bang, bang sound. Not too loud but just loud enough to get my attention. I looked up from by book and could see into the kitchen through the door and there was my cat on top of the refrigerator and straining his neck to see if I was looking. He had found a way to slip his paw under the edge of the cabinet door and open it and then release it so the spring in the hinge would let it bang shut. There he was doing that repeatedly to get my attention. That was only one of the many things that cat would do. I could never figure out what the cat wanted. It didn't want to cuddle and it didn't want food. It seems it just wanted me to pay attention to it.

    1. Both of ours do that and you're right. Sometimes they just want attention.

  5. Replies
    1. Blackwell would be mortified at that description.
