Thursday, November 28, 2013


Much of the eastern United States is dealing with winter storms this week.  Snow, ice, rain, high winds, even a tornado - - pretty much all bad.  Meantime in Arizona . . .

These foolish turkeys had better stay out of the road or they're going to wind up on someone's Thanksgiving dinner table.  Perhaps outside.  By the pool.

Yes, some people do like to rub it in about our wonderful fall and winter weather.  But certainly not me.  (Our high temperature today is supposed to be close to 75 degrees.)

I just heard from our neighbors.  They're going to barbecue steaks for their meal today.  But we can forgive them.  They're Canadian, after all, and their Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October.  This year that was the 14th.

As for our house, it will benefit from the wonderful aroma of . . . (wait for it) . . . meat loaf!  Due to a good price at the grocery a few weeks ago, we had a turkey breast with all the trimmings then and having finally just finished off the leftovers the Thanksgiving menu at our house was changed.  But I'm not complaining.  SWMBO makes a great meat loaf. And she did make a pumpkin pie yesterday.  'Course we had to sample it last night.  But there's still some left for dinner dessert today.

Whatever you're eating today and wherever you are and however your weather is . . . I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  1. At least with meatloaf you don't have to fight over the drumsticks. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Bruce; enjoy the meatloaf and pie. Be sure to exercise tonight in preparation for battle at tomorrow's sales.

    1. l shall, as I always do, avoid the shopping. But I do have to take SWMBO to Prescott. Her daughter is off to Cabo for a week and SWMBO is going to cat-sit for her.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving. And then after your meal, you loaf!

  4. As I see it, any day I wake up above ground, its a day to give thanks. And meat loaf sounds darn good actually. Hope you had a great day. :)

  5. Sounds like you had a nice day and good feast. We were at our son's house in Phoenix and yes, the temperature was perfect for being outside.

  6. Color me green with envy. Wet and windy on the east coast. Rain gauge is frozen solid
