Tuesday, February 3, 2015


As I was looking through blogs of "my friends" last night, I ran across this picture on Judy's blog.  (I put "my friends" in quotes because even though I feel they are my friends, I've never met any of them except here in cyberspace.)  Judy is a wonderful photographer with an exceptional "eye" for seeing a picture before she takes it.

But her photo reminded me of a couple I had taken a few days ago from a second floor window of the adjacent Prescott Valley Public Library.

I had been struck by the expanse and view from that window but when I looked at the photo on my camera I realized there was a great sky shot out there.  So I changed the angle slightly and took a second photo, which shows a bit of the Prescott Valley city government building which Judy's shot shows in full.

With the angles and the curves and the many sculptures sited around the grounds, the Prescott Valley municipal center offers a variety of subjects for the photographer.

Incidentally, that green-roofed building in the distance is the Prescott Valley Police Department's headquarters.

Great sky, though.


  1. What a view for all the people working in these spaces!

  2. What did you get at the library/ Nice photo.

    1. Latest book is "Spook" by Mary Roach. An investigation into "the Afterlife". Tomorrow I'm going to pick up a biography of Jerry Lee Lewis by Rick Bragg.

    2. The last biography I read was ‘John Wayne: The Life and Legend’ by Scott Eyman. It was long but a super read.

  3. Just from that roof I can tell you have a better police building than we do.

  4. Our bright, clear blue sky is lovely but for a really good picture you have to have some clouds in it. The sky in your pictures has what it takes. How about that sunset last night?
