Sunday, March 22, 2015


Spring arrived Friday evening and we were celebrating it with a cocktail party on the patio over at the StoneRidge Grill. It began with short sleeve weather. My drink of choice is a Black Butte Porter from Deschutes Brewery in Bend, Oregon.

But it still got chilly once the sun went down. Down toward Phoenix there was what looked like a rain cloud.

We had a little rain earlier in the week and spring blossoms are bursting out all over.

Two different angles at our Redbud tree. The finches love it.

Another tree budding into leaves in the front yard.

A close-up of the trunk reveals a somewhat erotic sign of growth.

Some type of shrubbery is loaded with buds and bright yellow blooms.

While another nearby bush is covered with delicate little lavender blossoms.

Spring has definitely arrived in my part of the world.

(By the way, as always, all pictures can be "embiggened" by clicking on them.)


  1. Not that you asked or cared, but Black Butte is west of Bend and Sisters, a medium sized conical hill....notable for a old forest service tower on top that was used for fire spotters in my youth....also that the Metolius river springs forth full sized from the north side of the base.
    Deschutes brewery (named for the river that flows through town) was the first of what are not many breweries that are in Bend...started sometime in the early 80's I think. I was last there 4 years was 9K when I left in '64, it's near 100K now.

    1. Interesting. Thanks. One of my former colleagues in tv news in Phoenix who went on to much bigger and better things in L.A. now lives in a huge house in Bend, right next to the river. And by the way, the Porter is delicious.

  2. Nice portrait to celebrate spring Bruce! Beautiful colors in Arizona!

  3. Yay for spring! Everything is bursting into bloom here as well.

  4. Spring is an enchantress. As Henri Bergson might say, "élan vital" is at work.

  5. Suddenly, there is color everywhere! And it has brought a rare smile to your face.....or was that the Porter?

    1. Judy, I thought my friend was just examining my camera, I had no idea he was taking a picture! (The Porter may have helped.)

  6. Hmmm. I drove through a blizzard yesterday.
