Saturday, July 11, 2015


I don't know whether they were watching a bird or a lizard or just enjoying some fresh air but Muggles and Blackwell don't usually get this close to one another.

Call it temporary peaceful coexistence.

A great joy of writing a blog is the comments and offerings I get from my readers. Some of them appear in the comment section on the blog itself, some of them appear as comments when I post the blog on Facebook, and some come in email.  I got two by email this morning. The first was from either Dan or Karen (there's never a signature and they often mail from the same address). It was a link to this web site. I think they may be giving me a hint for my Christmas shopping list.

The second email was from a friend of mine who had a long career as a UPI journalist before sinking his fangs in the state government thigh. Referencing yesterday's Friday Funnies, he said this:

Cartoon # 2. Toilet paper. The people not buying it are either stealing it, getting it free from their local food pantry for the poor or living in a holler and using corn cobs. (I have visited Harlan County, Ky., and it's true about the holler.) The other comments also are true. At least some of the thieves get their toilet rolls from restaurants and from bathrooms where they work. Some of the thieves are workers whose jobs include stocking the bathrooms of large buildings with toilet paper. And I know for a fact that the food pantries stock some nonfood necessities -- though I've never been to a food pantry except as a donor.

I didn't want to keep you in suspense. Feel free to inform your other readers.
I admire your persistence and dedication in running your blog. If I had a blog I'd want it to fill daily with advertisements that enriched me and I'd only peek at it occasionally to watch the money grow.
The next best thing is to get something for free and the Friday Funnies are -- so thank you.


Thank YOU, Ed. A man who's always had a wry sense of humor.

You, Faithful Followers, are what makes writing Oddball 
Observations worthwhile to me.


  1. Interesting comment about peppering your good-looking blog with advertisements and watch the money roll in. I had a website for years and people would say the same thing to me. Recently I have enjoyed the becomingminimalist and the nosidebars blogs. Both refuse to ever ruin the pristine look of their pages with ugly ads. I use AdBlock so I never have to look at another advertisement on my computer again. I have enjoyed your sidebar of other blogs and took a good look at Sharon's this week. Very enjoyable. I look forward to your new headers and am never disappointed.

  2. Your blog labors are indeed appreciated. There's something special about the words/photos/sentiment/humor/art/creativity of bloggers.

  3. It's great reading other blogs and getting ideas, or coming to your blog for great pictures and laughs.

  4. I just visit to laugh at the old pictures of you I short-shorts!

  5. I just read the Friday Funnies and I must say, that Sally is one smart cookie!
    Those Chihully sculptures are permanent right at the garden entrance. DBG bought them after the first Chihuly exhibit back in 2008.

  6. The feedback, in terms of comments is often interesting and informative. With some sites, the comments reinforce the blog author, "I agree with you totally, etc" on a very, very few will you find comments that either disagree or take issue with some point. What is telling is what the blog author does with those. Some respond, some delete. It's their choice, but in my mind if they choose to delete makes them much less interesting, and more a mindless exercise.
