Friday, October 13, 2017


All right, Gentle Readers, once again it is Friday and having recovered from my Computer Disaster Week, let's see if we can find something to smile about.

Granted, with disasters coming day by day it isn't easy but let us charge into the breach, flags flying and courage foremost.

That's it, Gentle Readers.

Now let's all make a decision to get outside this weekend and have a(n) hilariously fine time (leaving desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones behind.)

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. A cat massage would do nicely right about now.

  2. But my recent job evaluation said I was "a moderately stupid person who does reasonably intelligent things on a semi-regular basis." So which one is it?

  3. I could use a cat massage too! And I love the catch up with Jesus sign - ha! Between that & Tess Kincaid’s puddle of ketchup I definitely thing fries are on the menu this weekend.

  4. Thanks! I needed that today! ;-)

  5. Keep your writers! They've done another great job for you. Not so sure about your IT department though....

  6. Ooh! That kitten massage is TOO precious!

  7. I delight in the church marquee. There is no balm to congested traffic like a pastor with a sense of humor. Fortunately we have several in our area. Thanks1

  8. Yep! Catch-up and Cats for me too.

  9. That falling asleep on the couch thing has happened to me way too often lately.
