Sunday, November 19, 2017


As I was scanning through the Prescott Daily Courier recently I saw a link to a photo from this year's Tuxedos and Tool Belts gala.

I remembered that the BRD and her Beau Jack had been to a number of them and checked the photo.

And lo and behold, there they were!

I cropped the photo to give you a better view of the glorious couple.

The BRD is looking particularly beautiful these days with her new bangs, which a number of people have complimented her on, saying they make her look much younger.

She was concerned about her posture in the photo above until she realized her jacket was draped over the chair back behind her and she was indeed sitting up straight.

Update: Gayle says Jack bid on a trip to Greece at the gala and won it!  They have to go sometime within the next year.  After their trip to Costa Rica next month!