Friday, December 14, 2018


All right, all right, Gentle Readers, un-bate your breath, I'm here.

I forgot for awhile that it was Friday and then I had some business to take care of but now I am back in the virtual saddle, ready to satisfy your yearnings for a chuckle, a tee-hee, a guffaw.

Yes, my friends, it is time once again for the Friday Funnies.

To begin . . .

As you can see I am absolutely overcome with the Christmas spirit(s).

Remember this: it is that time of year when we pack on the pounds.  

So prepare with professionalism, preserve your preadolescence, avoid prohibitionists, and pontificate no phurther (sorry, I cheated with that last one.)

In short, Gentle Readers, have a marvelous weekend!

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. Regarding that last one: cats rule, dogs drool.

  2. I liked the paragraph with all the "P"s. PP

  3. Excellent set.

    Avoiding holiday music defines my existence now. I do still like the soundtrack for A Charlie Brown Christmas, though. And the singing goats, of course.

  4. Heh, heh! Frosty picking his nose! That dog face is a classic.

  5. Great stuff this week. enjoy your weekend.

  6. Wow. That last pic is actually kind of scary! I like the wine-y doormat.
