Wednesday, November 27, 2019


The holidays are a time to bring out some time-honored recipes.

SWMBO has some that are favorites, like her Red Pepper Jelly.

To begin . . .

. . . some big beautiful red bell peppers . . .

. . . chopped up and combined with the juice of some lemons . . .

. . . in the food processor . . .

. . . where they are pureed and then strained . . .

. . . and then boiled and stirred on the stovetop with a generous slash of sugar, some red wine vinegar, a little of the strained juice, pectin and a surprise ingredient this year: a slosh of Sambal Indonesian hot sauce to give it a little kick.

The eventual jelly is poured into glasses and topped with some melted paraffin and cooled.

Kind of looks like Christmas, doesn't it?


  1. Those look amazing, and not too difficult.

  2. I give it a 10/10 for looks, but not sure I'd try it.

  3. Interesting! I've never heard of pepper jelly. Do you eat it on toast?

  4. That does look quite yummy.

  5. That sounds delicious. I'm thinking it would be good on ham or on burgers.

  6. Zhoen - The Sambal takes care of that.

    William - Like I said, sweet and spicy.

    Val - You have to be more daring. :^D

    Steve - It's great with a little cream cheese on crackers until you adapt to the flavor.

    Sharon - Perhaps ham, but not hamburgers.
