Friday, February 7, 2020


Another seven days . . another week of woe and wild wackiness.

So aren't you all glad that it's time for The Friday Funnies?

I thought so.

Let's let 'er rip.

(I love that one.  If you don't get it, say it out loud.)

I've got one that's especially for my pal, Jager.

Here you go.

All right you fellow revelers, now aren't you in a better mood?

Just the mood to get out there and have a fabulous weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Wait a minute, that's not funny!

Well, actually it is.

My longtime pal, Timmer, sent that to me.

He loves dogs . . . BIG dogs.

I still remember a huge, sloppy, good-natured black labrador he had called Jesse, which I called with a "you mo-ron!"

But any way, I can't leave you with that toon so let's try again.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Ah, that's better.)


  1. Loved the Ikea, my wfe likes putting their stuff, not so much.

    I am sorry to confess I had to say it out loud before I got it.

  2. Oh, IKEA! I love walking though their immense warehouse stores.
    We always manage to be there with hundreds of young couple, lots of children. Love hearing their discussions.

    I am with Linus in the ?? patch.

    Can identify with campfire smoke dilemma.

  3. One of the funniest comedy skits I have ever heard was someone imitating Arnold Schwartznagger playing Jesus Christ in a movie. The final line was "I'll be back". in his German accent.

  4. The last kitty sure says it for me. My cat used to do that all of time!

  5. I think that was my dad under the hospital bed! He got in all sorts of trouble like that at the nursing home!

  6. The IKEA cake and the funeral director took me a minute, but I didn't have to say anything out loud.

  7. I especially loved the first one. I needed help on the Bach one, so thank you.

  8. That's how our cats get rid of the demons, they are doing their job as household gods.

    Thinking of what to eat every day, such a chore. Seriously why Trader Joe's is so popular, just grab a thing and it will be ok.

  9. These were all hilarious, but the cop one made me laugh out loud.

  10. Some good ones here! I loved the Terminator and the sled-cats. Oh, and Lucy and Linus in the...patch.

  11. Those first two are a little too real. Linus has the right idea and the sled cats are great. Oh yes, I did get the Terminator one.
