Friday, March 27, 2020


In a time like this it may seem ignoble for me to continue with this weekly foray into an attempt at humor.

So if anyone is offended I apologize in advance but I also say if we lose our sense of humor then what have we become.

So that's what I've got, my Gentle Readers.

Now take a walk, enjoy nature, stream a funny movie, listen to a podcast, bake some brownies (I did yesterday), get to know your family a little better, read a great book, catch up on your sleep and try to have a good weekend.

Take care of yourselves and those you love and above all, always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. Please don't stop, Bruce. Makes my Friday mornings.

  2. Thank you Bruce for the much needed laughs. You are our soul doctor.

  3. Here in France it is starting to become really worrying (as elsewhere, I guess). Thanks for the rib-ticklers.

  4. Thank you for the good laughs. Oh yes, definitely keep posting these Friday funnies. It's good medicine, my friend.

  5. I was just thinking about blogging that not much has changed for me, so that one about "almost zero changes" due to isolation rings true for me.

  6. Need the Friday Funnies now more than ever! I have quite a few people I email them to who look forward to Fridays. TGIF!

  7. I just got back from a trip to the grocery store so I needed this very much to lighten my mood. Still no toilet paper! I liked the one about the extended warranty calls. Trouble is, I've gotten three of those calls in the past two days.

  8. I love that I'm a cat. Sadly, I have to start working again on Monday, at a job I'm not comfortable with. Oh, well.

    The darker the hour, the more need for humor.

  9. All good, I like the cleaning lady working from home the best.

  10. Every single meme had me giggling. Don't know which is funnier.

  11. I love seeing these funnies especially in these horrible times! Thanks!

  12. OK, you get major points for pulling together an all-coronavirus humor post! That's pretty impressive!

  13. Heh, heh! I like the over/under toilet paper rumble!

  14. :D Big confession, Andy and I have scarcely changed our lifestyle and are doing just fine.

    So no flying cars but teaching people how to wash their hands. I laughed out loud.

    You are doing a great service by continuing with the Friday Funnies. Thank you!

  15. I love your Friday more than ever we need to laugh.

  16. These were all great! Dr. M has definitely done the booze thing. Ha!

  17. Becoming a house cat is a lofty goal.
