So, a quick glance at some photos I took last week.
I had gone out around sunset and noticed the color in the sky to the south of our plantation, so I snapped that picture and went around to the front of the house where I have a better view of the expanse around us.
There were enough clouds in the sky to reflect the setting sun with glorious color.
Judy favors the last two shots with the narrow slit of blue in contrast with the flaming sky above.
On this particular day, Mother Nature was working her wonders.
Nice photos.
Beautiful sunset skies there. Always love when the skies light up like this.
ReplyDeleteSunsets in Arizona, a daily event we probably take for granted, but did I see you have livestock in your backyard?
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos and I do like your painted fence. Did you do it?
ReplyDeleteI just want to see the sun!
ReplyDeleteLL: One sheep and one steer (that ain't no bull!)
ReplyDeleteJanF: Judy, better known as SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed), painted that last year.
joeh: I think it was below the yardarm. (That's the way we old pirates talk.)
Gorgeous Shots. Look up Albert Bierstadt a deceased plein air painter and Frank Corso, very much alive.
ReplyDeleteYour skies resemble scenes they have painted.
Tom: All the great ones try to copy me.
ReplyDeleteI like the tree and building silhouettes.
ReplyDeleteThat's a gorgeous sky!
ReplyDelete"Our plantation" -- ha! Come to think of it, this does look kind of like the big dramatic sunset at the beginning and end of "Gone With the Wind."
ReplyDeleteBeautiful skies.