Sunday, December 20, 2020

C MINUS 5 (OR 6)

 Depending on your habits and your calendar, there are now only 5 or 6 days until Christmas.

Call it a handful.

At any rate, here's today's Countdown Cartoon.

Oh and for those who asked, my back is much better.

Stretching and another one of those C's helped.

Not chocolate.

Not champagne.



  1. Glad your back is better. This reindeer reminds me of some people at school. "Oh, please, let me work a 60 hour week for no added pay." Then those people got "Teacher of the Year" to reinforce that that should be what all of us do, at the expense of our own families, lives and sanity.

  2. Ugh! Sorry about your back. Glad the codeine is helping.

  3. I'm glad your back is getting better. Andy's exercises are helping a lot with his leg, also with his back pain, which wasn't nearly as bad. Take care!

  4. Roscoe is the sort you'd like to put a knife in the back of.

    Right, Prancer?

  5. What's the difference between a brown nose and a shithead? Depth perception.
