Wednesday, January 27, 2021



Today the sky is clear and Mother Sun has returned.

The snow we've accumulated will begin to melt.

These images on my window formed a couple of days ago as snow struck it, froze, melted and froze again.

It was a constantly changing panorama as the flakes slid down the window, colliding and coalescing with others.

Most of the area was shut down yesterday except for plows and emergency vehicles.

I was surprised in mid-afternoon to find my driveway thoroughly shoveled and learned that it was my Young Marine angel from across the street that had done it.

Even in a nasty storm there are some who feel a call of duty.

Thank you, C.


  1. It WAS a nasty snow storm! Love those nasty snowflakes in cartoon form. Not in reality.

  2. Snow is really beautiful. You have a wonderful neighbor. Love the cartoon.

  3. The nasty snow storm is clever! :)

  4. Washington DC got its snow this week. It was the first measurable snowfall in 372 days...a whopping three tenths of an inch. Think it has anything to do with the fact that we had 27 days of 90 plus temperatures in July?

  5. The snow on your window looks like lace. It is only 17 degrees here today. Not going to warm up. It will be colder tomorrow.
