Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Scanning some of my blog colleagues work today I decided it was time for a little update on our gardening efforts.

So we examine the back patio tomato barrel.

It's looking a bit sun-withered but what are you going to do?

We live in Arizona, which is a notably sunny place, and our rainfall this year so far is even below normal.

But the hose is there and there are signs that something is working.

There are two different plants in there this year and these are products of an alleged Cherry Tomato plant.

Getting down and peering into the interior we can see signs of progress on the other plant too, which promises larger tomatoes.

So we keep on with judicious watering and waiting to see what will develop.

As the Guy Clark song says, there ain't nuthin' in the world like Home Grown Tomatoes.


  1. I see some good salads in your future! Or nice BLTs.

  2. Your tomatoes are looking very healthy. I too love homegrown tomatoes. My late husband was a huge fan of John Denver's version of that song. :)

  3. Tomato season is the best! Only two things that money can't buy and that's true love and homegrown tomatoes. Yum!

  4. I have free tomatoes for the rest of the summer and into the fall.

  5. Keep an eye on them! Hornworms and birds got to our only attempted crop! The deer ate our watermelons, and rabbits nibbled on whatever they wanted. All while five lazy cats lay watching. We salvaged a few tiny carrots. I guess sometimes even animals don't like to eat their vegetables.

  6. I'm going for the blackberries this year. Already eating raspberries, about 2-3 per day.

  7. Oh how I wish I could taste one of those beauties. When they turn red of course.

  8. Definitely 'tamahtoe'. At least with only little rainfall you have a low risk of blight. [When I say you, I mean the tamahtoes of course. :) ] Happy harvesting.
