Friday, August 6, 2021


 Well, it's nearing the end of the week again and what's new?

Oh, Clint Eastwood has a new movie coming out that he both directed and starred in.

Clint who, you ask?

Well he is 91 years old!

Hasn't he ever heard of retirement, asks Jack Nicholson?

Or maybe that was me.

And that's slmost all I've got.

Now don't worry about your INCREDIBLY ANCIENT age, just try to have a wonderful weekend.

And never forget to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Some of you skeptics may think that's cheating; that isn't really a kitty.

So for you . . here's another try.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. Oh - I've got henopause! That explains everything!

  2. These are great. Loved the lion one. :) Or any kitty comic really.

  3. Great line up! Didn't get the last one. Never do get cats. Especially in a bar. And as we all know, timing is everything!

    1. Cat orders a drink. Knocks it off the bar. Orders another. Kitty conduct.

    2. Cats like to knock things, particularly cups with liquid in them, off of tables. See "what really happened in Wuhan" comic. :)

  4. Oh my gosh, these were great! I thought after the first 6 there was going to be a theme of aging, but they're all great! LOL!

  5. We were laughing out loud at these ones. I loved the one with Death and the deaf guy! Bravo today!

  6. These were all so funny. I loved the "I'm Death" one, made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that.

  7. The big kitty just wants a scratch behind the ears. And a tummy rub.

  8. You just make our Friday cocktail hour so much better. Thanks.

  9. When L gets the vacuum cleaner out, I will look at it with renewed respect. Nice to know that someone will be looking after my best interests --- sometime in the future.

  10. I love that sign about being the same age as old people. I can relate to that. Also, that perfect timing photos is great.

  11. Love the last one. Zeppo saw me eating grapes, patted my arm. I put down the stem with a grape still on. He stared at it, batted it to the floor, stared at it again. Then stared at me, patted me on the arm again. I put another stem with one grape left on... No, I did not give him a third round of this game.

  12. The Eye Pad girl has the perfect stare, in case Death needs a stand-in.
