Friday, August 27, 2021


 We had an increasingly more and more irritated bulldog in our yard for many hours yesterday.

It was one of several canines belonging to a neighbor and she apparently had jumped to the top of a concrete block wall and then jumped or fallen nearly six feet to our yard.

And she couldn't get out.

And she didn't know us.

And she growled menacingly whenever we tried to approach her.

Finally, late in the afternoon the neighbor lady came home, found my note on her front door and called one of her sons to come across town and take care of the situation.

He did, the dog was very glad to see him and apparently a barricade was built on the other side of the wall to prevent this from happening again.

And do you know what yesterday was?

The Day of the Dog.

I kid you not.

But today is Friday and I intend to kid you now.

Okay, Gentle Readers, that's about all I've got for this week.

Now try your darndest to have a delightful weekend and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. I love the restroom signs! And, I have looked in the mirror and thought exactly that.

  2. The restroom signs are great! I also love the margarita one although I don't like margaritas and much prefer coffee. :)

  3. Where can I order a case of Quarantine Coffee?

    1. Maybe at your friendly neighborhood tequila store?

  4. Love the monkey in the mirror! Some really good ones today!

  5. You had me at accordion . . .

  6. I think my quarantine coffee would include something like wine or Irish creme! Good ones this week!!

  7. Thank you for the Friday funnies! Always look forward to having a good laugh here!

  8. I'm trying to picture a bulldog climbing and jumping anything, they generally are not particularly athletic. Also usually they are big mushes, not growlers...or was this a Pitbull and not a standard English bulldog?

    I know a few setters that belong in the pointer room. I only had to read the accordion one about four times to get it.

    1. I thought it was a pitbull but SWMBO insisted he was too short and had to be a bulldog.

  9. I am one of those 7 out of 10 people.

  10. Great memes, I have used the quarantine coffee meme somewhere.....maybe I had too much. :D

  11. "Super fish oil" -- aaaaaaaaargh!

    I'm drinking quarantine coffee right now, as a matter of fact. But mine contains gin. :)

  12. I had to look and look at the restroom signs to get it - ha! The rest of them were hilarious too.
