Friday, October 8, 2021


 It's a very grey, overcast day in the Central Highlands of Arizona this morning.

I guess the Weather Gods want me to shine a little light onto the landscape.

So here goes.

So that's it, friends and neighbors; that's my contribution to the betterment of humankind for this week.

Now the rest is up to you.

Stop that insane laughing for a minute and listen up.

I want you all to have an absolutely splendiferous weekend, full of feasting and drinking and dancing and . . .

Oh, never mind, just try and make it to Monday.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .



  1. I think I've seen that Toe Truck in real life! I'm surprised that no one has invented a pumpkin spice cologne. Ugh.

  2. You must be Phillip! All were good! Thanks, Bruce, putting an end to yet another stressful work week!

  3. Thank you for these wonderful laughs today. I loved the "How often do people die during the procedure?" and "tour of the gym" Oh yes!

  4. I loved the red dot & the cat. And the ducks at the bar! Thanks for the giggles. ;-)

  5. Good ones. My favorite was the duck...i was a little slow getting it, but when it hit, it hit hard.

  6. So many chuckles this week, but such a price to pay for my enjoyment. I'm worried that the cat hairstylist might have ended up looking like the burglar after the red dot was put on his chest. And as an anti-foot-ite, I fear the Toe Truck will return in my nightmares.

  7. That doctor was smiling way too much when he answered "just once". Love the toe truck.

  8. OMG, that cat is awesome. And the toe truck -- GROAN!

  9. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
    These are all very good.

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