Friday, November 12, 2021


 If you're an extremely intelligent and discerning reading public, you may notice an anomaly.

The title of this blog is "The Friday Funnies".

Nothing odd about that.

It's the same title I use *every* Friday.

But there's something wrong here.

The dateline says "Thursday".

Now you may think your computer has gone completely nuts.

Or you may believe that *you* have gone the same direction.

Ah, fear not, Gentle Readers.

It's my problem, you see.

I'm putting this blog post together last night.

That is, Thursday night.

And I can't figure out how to change the date so you know what?

The hell with it!

You haven't gotten lost in time and space because I won't actually post this until today.

Er, that is, Friday.


(Surprise! Blogger DID change the dateline so you can now ignore all of the above. Sheesh!)

Oh, one other thing.

You will see no cartoons today because I've decided to clean out my Humor (Humour to some of you) File and make this an All Words Day.

I hope you'll find some humor/humour in them.

Are you eyes tired of all that reading?

Okay, you can relax now.

Well, not totally.

You still have one task ahead of you.

Work extremely hard to have an absolutely wonderful weekend, all right?

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Special guest appearance by Hemingway and Sunny, two of the three owners of my pal Tommy Terrific, sharing a box.)


  1. Thank you for these very funny all word day jokes. Had some very good laughs.

  2. I loved all of these! That cat one was especially hilarious and TRUE!

  3. Pretty kitties. Since I retired, I'm not often aware of what day of the week it is and have very few set in stone plans. :)

  4. The funny words made up for any missing cartoons. Love the orange cats.

  5. These were great! Liked the 3 AM wakeup and the cat at the edge of the earth. Like it that you shake things up!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This week's started off with a guffaw that could probably be heard around the world, and it went from there. Lots of laughs! Loved them all!

  8. We're gonna need a bigger box for Hemingway and Sunny!

    I DID work at an unemployment office! My job of filing claims was eliminated due to automation. So the next day, I had to CALL MY AUTOMATED REPLACEMENT to file my claim. I did not appreciate the humor at the time.

  9. cats seeking the shape of their container reinforces my belief that they are fur-bearing liquids.

  10. OMG I love that cat picture. Cats and boxes -- a match made in heaven!
