Sunday, January 2, 2022


 It's the 2nd of January.

Last night as I was turning in, I asked mein frau if she was going to have a difficult time getting used to the idea that tomorrow (today) was not Monday.

Having holidays mucking around with the weekends does tend to throw one for a loop.

Heck, some people were still celebrating the New Year today, I hear.

For some of us it is a time to make resolutions about how to improve our lives over the coming year.

For others . . .

I gave up making resolutions many New Year's ago.

Part of the joy of senescence is realizing it's probably too late to make much or any difference.

So Happy January Third tomorrow . . the first Monday of the New Year.



  1. I love these two cartoons so much. Yes, tomorrow is the first Monday of 2022 and it is the third day of the month. We humans really know how to drive ourselves crazy.

  2. I only just got used to dating my checks 2021!

  3. Great cartoons! I remember years ago when people talked about 10-year plans. Well, being still alive would be nice. 😊

  4. My only resolutions are to not buy more yarn unless absolutely necessary (ha!) and to try to purchase from people of color where possible. We'll see how that goes!

  5. Many Easters ago I gave up obligations - still stands for each New Year.

  6. I think I can get behind those new year's resolutions and thank you as always for making me smile.

  7. No resolutions here, either. "Try not to die" is always a good one.

  8. Haven't I already done those NY resolutions? (not that I make them) I feel so "accomplished." Meine Frau, by the way. (Mein is for male or neuter nouns)

  9. My ear infection must be coming back, because I feel like I'm making New Years revolutions.

  10. I like the "try not to die" resolution. I'll take that one.

  11. I saw that alien one the other day. Very good!
