Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 Tomorrow (or today), February 2nd, is Groundhog Day.

If you don't know, and how could you not, it's the day when a rodent called a groundhog is pulled out of his wintertime siesta to see whether he sees his shadow or not.

The result of that unlikely occurrence will (supposedly) tell we "believers" whether there will be six more weeks of winter or not.

C'mon, folks.

Does anyone really believe that?

Oh, and there's a movie starring Bill Murray where a television weatherman gets trapped in a time loop and has to relive the day repeatedly.

Now you might expect me to have a great post about this today.

Well you'd be wrong.

Because one of my fellow bloggers has vanquished me without a fight.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the new and forever champion of Groundhog Day.

Check his blog by clicking his name.


  1. Whoa, intriguing. Groundhog's Day is my younger daughter's birthday--which always takes precedence in our family.

  2. thanks for the redirection to William, he did a fantastic job of collecting and they are all funny. Only in America!!!

  3. Well the groundhog wouldn't have any shadow here today!

  4. I learned several years ago that Groundhog's Day is the halfway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox. So no matter what that groundhog sees,in six weeks most places will be warming up anyway.
