Saturday, March 26, 2022


 I've never been a fan of the Chevrolet Corvette but this one caught my eye yesterday.

Something about that brilliant color and the sleek shape caused me to stop and stare and think "This might be fun to take for a drive."

Judy would say "That's your old man coming out, thinking you could lure a younger woman."


  1. I don't like them at all especially when I see men of a certain age driving them. ;) However, the latest model (which my middle-aged neighbor just bought for $100,000) is a nice style. Red though.

  2. I like these old ones but not the new ones which look like transformer toys.

  3. Having been a Corvette owner, they don't lure younger women. On the other hand older women like them.

  4. I've never had that kind of car fascination.
