Friday, February 17, 2023


 Oh, it's warming up.

Here it is 7:30 and already it's 19 degrees (F).

Well, yesterday it was 10!

And they say this is Arizona, where the birds fly backwards to keep the sun out of their eyes.

Well, you have to have a sense of humor, right?


Well since it's Friday, let's see how many of y'all have a sense of humor/humour. 

Pick your favorite spelling.

Or is that favourite?


All right if your roaring, laughing, chuckling or even smiling . . you're okay.

You have a sense of humor.

Now let's really put ourselves out for the next couple of days to have a stupendous (or at least pleasant) weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . .

(. . . oh, yes sir . . .)


  1. Little does that cat know, as soon as he catches the red dot, we switch to green.

  2. Great ones today. Especially that one about bread.

  3. There's my Mari to finish things off! The coffee and the milk thing--yes. Now that I make mochas and only need two of the scoops for the espresso it's not as bad.

  4. Some winners again. I laughed at veggies & bacon. Thanks for the smiles.

  5. I neither make nor drink coffee, but I still laughed out loud at losing count. 😀 They were all winners.
    ---Cheerful Monk

  6. I'm trans-slender too! Also, I only put 4 scoops in Mike's coffeemaker, but maybe sometimes it's 3 or 6. Who knows?

  7. It's always so good to laugh. Thank you!

  8. Another reason why a Keurig is the way to go! No scoop! No can! The coffee for lazy people who can't count!

  9. Oh I laughed alright, from the beginning to the end and I'm still smiling.

  10. Loved the ladder joke. Ah! Those were the days when I did house renovation.

  11. Ha-ha! "Trans-Slender"! Love it.
    Here'a a joke about North Dakotans...

    During a break on a North Dakota office building project, one of the construction workers approached the boss, Mr B.Taylor
    "The boys is gonna strike," he said.
    "What fer?" asked Mr Taylor.
    "Shorter hours."
    "Good fer them!" said Mr Taylor. "Ah always did think sixty minutes was too long fer an hour!"
