Sunday, June 18, 2023


 They said it couldn't be done.

Or maybe that was me that said that.

My big ol' computer apparently had contracted a terminal illness last week.

In spite of many turnings off the power and back on and trying to reload, it kept telling me it had lost a kernel (whatever that means) and it was just not going any further.

I told all of you Oddball followers . . . no, no, I'm not calling YOU oddballs, I'm just abbreviating followers of Oddball Observations.

Any way, I told you the blog was going to have to go on hiatus until I figured out what to do.

But 24 hours later I was back.


I had dug out an old laptop and managed to get it working.

But, as I said then and have said many times before and perhaps I should stop saying it, I hate laptops!

The little screen, the little keyboard, the damnably maddening touchpad.

But it rescued me.


But then like a message from above, or somewhere, came word from old friends that they had a couple of newish computers because they had upgraded at their business and I could obtain one at a bargain basement price.

Not only that but My Favorite Computer Geek would try to get my pictures and docs from my old beast and transfer them into the new computer.

Well, he succeeded, dear friends, and once again I am back with my big (16 inch or somesuch) screen and a computer that could have fit in My Old Beast's body 5 or 6 times, I think.

And it's faster.

Much, much faster.

And late today I found all of my old pictures and documents!

I am one happy camper.

So without further ado, I will show you a photo taken yesterday by Crosstown Lori, who just happens to be the wife of My Favorite Computer Geek, who will now be known as Ruthless Rick.

And just to show you the full picture . . here he is with your contented customer.

There are many things one can aspire to in life but tops on the list is a category I have been blessed with: Good Friends.

Thanks, Rick!


  1. It took 4 hours but worth it. Whew! No lapse in the Friday Funnies!

  2. How come you went to Rick's house dressed like a cowboy? Did you leave your horse outside? Great to hear that Rick sorted things out for you Bruce!

    1. YP, I believe you have visited my country, even my part of the country. You should know that no cowboy would ever be seen dead or alive in my choice of apparel. No horse outside but I am a style horse!

  3. Hurray! What a relief for all of us oddballs. ;-)

    1. Oh please, none of you are oddballs. Only me.

  4. You are indeed blessed! And we are too to have you as a blog mate. 😊

    1. You embarrass me. You are all better than I.

  5. How wonderful to have such a good old friend who could restore all your cherished and treasured stuff from the old computer to the new one. That's best news, Catalyst. Yay!!

    1. Well, he's a lot younger than I am but I know what you mean.

  6. I love a story with a happy ending!

  7. You went through a lot of stress before you got this one sorted out.

  8. happy photo! You think 16 inch is a big screen? My ASUS laptop has a 15 inch (bigger than the old Toshiba) and I wish for a bigger one, but don't have space or $$$, so I'll be happy with what I have as long as it keeps working. I back up everything a couple of times a year to an external hard drive so if it breaks down I'll still have all the photos and documents to transfer to a new one. Do we get to see pictures of the new machine?

    1. I mis-remembered and mis-stated. It's actually 24 inch screen.

  9. So Happy for you pal! Glad you are back in the saddle! tc Cambria

  10. Very good news.

    I am an oddball and proud of it.

    1. If you like. I guess anyone who prefers snow to cacti . . .

  11. Two weeks ago our C drive quit - the one with all our addresses and bookmarks. It looked like it would be several weeks until we got it back sans information but the "fixer" got right to it - seems other C drives have failed so the Fixer is replacing it with another brand - and we got it back three days later. Finally my husband found the backup he had done last August so all was restored - from that time. Since then I have deleted and added bookmarks so it is always a surprise when I remember something I had added. But what a miracle to get it all back!!!

    1. It shows how dependent we've all become on the blasted things!

    2. I did enjoy the peace when it was gone for a few days - but then I don't have a cell phone so books and a jigsaw puzzle and cooking took up my time.

  12. Thank goodness your friend could fix it all up for you! The computer geeks will save us all when the computers try to take over the world! :)

    1. Do you suppose? Or will they just join forces with the robots?

  13. Good job! I hate techie problems and I work in that field.

  14. Well, that's a relief! Three cheers for Rick!

  15. That's excellent news! Good and helpful friends are worth their weight in gold or perhaps diamonds. Does your laptop have a virtual keyboard? Mine has a real one so I like it just fine for blogging and emails. Otherwise, not a chance I would use it.
